Well gather round all-ye who know of what I speak, this one is for you!
For those that are first timers, let me tell you, this project is as easy as 1,2,3.
Acrylic paint + brush
Wooden photo frame
Wooden letters/shapes
Scrapbooking paper
X-Acto knife + cutting mat
Mod podge
Soft cloth
Hot glue gun
1. Paint the frame & add-ons in a complimentary colour to your paper. Allow to dry. Re-coat if necessary.
2. Trace the frame on to the wrong side of your scrapbooking paper, then carefully cut it out.
3. Slap on a generous coat of mod podge to the top side of your frame and position the paper on top - right side up. Using a soft cloth and starting from the centre working out, smooth the paper making sure to get out all the bubbles.
4. Coat entire paper with mod podge, be sure to get the edges! Let it dry - overnight preferably - and you're ready for your next coat.
5. Using a hot glue gun, attach the add-ons to the front of the frame. Presto you're done!
(if you are wondering, my niece does not have a moustache, nor is she a chef - her mum didn't want a full photo online - so I had fun with it instead!)

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