I've been off the radar over the last few weeks, down the rabbit hole if you will.
But I've resurfaced, just in time for Easter.
This is a fun & easy project and a great way to add a little magic & wonderment to Easter, without the excess sugar overload!
You will need: styrofoam cups; craft glue; cotton wool balls; card stock or heavy weight paper in two colours; sharpie marker;15mm acrylic pom pom balls; shredded tissue paper; solid Easter eggs.
To begin, carefully unroll a few cotton wool balls so that each forms a strip of cotton wool rather than a ball. Starting from the base of the cup, smear some craft glue on to the cup and adhere cotton wool. Continue until you have covered the entire cup ensuring that the top strip covers the lip of the cup. Allow to dry.
To make the ears, download any bunny ear template you can find on Google - I used this one. Trace onto card stock and cut out. Glue inner ear cut out onto outer ear cut out. Again, allow to dry.
Freestyle draw the eyes and teeth onto card stock and cut out. Using your sharpie, draw an outline on the teeth & colour in the centre of the eyes (see pics).
You're almost there. By the way, I found this craft project rather relaxing and completed it at my dining table with the tv on in the background - as ya do.
Anyhoo, using card stock, cut out thin strips for whiskers.
Now to put it all together. I found it easiest to glue it in the following order: Eyes, whiskers, teeth, nose and then ears.
Allow to dry - preferably over night. Fill with shredded tissue paper & top with solid Easter eggs.
I think this is super cute & the kids will love the texture of the cup - feels just like a real bunny!
Happy Easter folks!
p.s. You could easily use feathers and yellow card stock to make a little chirpy chick aswell

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